Stokke® iZi Go Modular™ X1 by BeSafe®


  • This seat can be used from when the baby is born until approximately one year of age. However, please note that this is just an average value and does not limit or guarantee the usage time. You must stop using this seat when the height or weight limit is reached or the uppermost point of the baby’s head reaches the highest point of the seat. Ideally, you should look for toddler seats already some time before your baby has reached this point. Additionally, check how the shoulder belts are sitting on your baby’s shoulders. If the shoulder belts are not coming straight onto the shoulders anymore but are coming from below the shoulders when having the headrest/belts in the highest setting, then it’s time to change as well.

  • This seat can be used between 40 to 75 cm.

  • The Newborn Hugger™ differs from the baby cushion of the previous version in two ways: 1. Its design features supportive cushions on the sides in the bottom and back area to give babies better side-stability and a more snug and comfortable fit. The side cushions in the back area also feature EPS to give additional protection in a side impact. 2. The wedge of the Newborn Hugger™ is now placed in a way that it lifts the baby's back instead of the bottom, through which a more flat angle can be achieved.

  • Yes, the baby cushion [Newborn Hugger™] can be washed in one piece.

  • The guiding principle is after 60 cm or older than 4 months but can also be used a bit longer or removed a bit earlier, depending on the individual growth development of the baby.

  • No, it is not allowed to add something to the sides of the child, as the seat is not tested and approved this way. The seat has been tested thoroughly with various dummy sizes representing babies' measurements and has passed all tests successfully, so that adding more to the side is not needed for safety.

  • No, the Newborn Hugger™ cannot be purchased as an accessory, it is only available as a spare part to replace a damaged or lost Newborn Hugger™.

  • The BeSafe iZi Go Modular X1 i-Size fits onto the same base as its previous model, so that it can absolutely be used as part of the iZi Modular concept.

  • The BeSafe iZi Go Modular X1 i-Size differs from the previous version in 3 aspects: 1. It has a changed headrest area design which offers more internal space for the growing baby and does not require removing cushions anymore. 2. It features a different kind of baby cushion, the BeSafe Newborn Hugger™. This Newborn Hugger™ gives the baby more side support and stability while also featuring a wedge that lifts the baby's back instead of bottom for a flatter sitting angle. 3. Instead of soft foam, it features the Dynamic Force Absorber™ in the side wings of the seat shell for an optimized protection of the head area.

  • This seat can be used up to max. 13 kg.